At the helm of Enblanc are Paula Aloy and José Aranda, who develop various projects in the field of Industrial Design, Graphic Communication, and Spatial Design. The development and overlap of these three specialties lends a global vision to Enblanc’s projects, which seek to offer practical, simple, and coherent solutions for their clients.
They have collaborated with the CEU Cardenal Herrera University since 2011, teaching in the Master’s Programs for Product Design and Interior Design.
Enblanc’s projects have been exhibited at multiple exhibitions and galleries in Valencia, Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Finland, and Tokyo. Their many awards include the ADCV ‘09 Bronze Prize for their lamp “Zas” for Ona, the Accésit Injuve ’09 Prize, and the Nude-Bancaja Grant for their project “Form.” In February 2011, they were the winners of the logo design and slogan contest to mark the 20th Anniversary Pull & Bear.